Libertad Digital, September 11
9/11: Jihadism and Us 15 Years Later
Are we safer 15 years after 9/11?2016-09-11 by Rafael Bardají
Nice: The West Must Remain Strong and United
The West is under the threat of Jihadism, an enemy who will not stop to destroy us, and it is now the time to remain strong and united.2016-07-15 by Friends of Israel Initiative
From Tel Aviv to Orlando: the Same Enemy, the Same Threat
We have repeated it hundreds of times: this is a war, and we have to win it, not only with weapons, but also with convictions.2016-06-14 by Friends of Israel Initiative
The Miami Herald, March 12
The West’s fight against terrorism is anemic
http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/op-ed/article65679787.html#storylink=cpyThe United States, the United Kingdom and our coalition partners must intensify our anemic action to destroy the Islamic State
2016-03-14 by Colonel Richard Kemp and Lt. General David Deptula
El Mundo, November 16
#Hashtags and Statements Are Not Enough
Like it or not, the group led by Caliph Ibrahim operates as a State, exercises its power as a State, gets fed as a State, and defends itself as a State.
2015-11-16 by Rafael Bardaji
Expansión, November 16
Europe Is Not at War, the Islamic State is
Despite the rhetoric used during the last two days, Europe doesn’t act as if it were at war with the Islamic State (ISIS). The countries continue approaching the issue as a criminal problem, as one of radical minorities. But the Islamic State has actually decided to declare war.
2015-11-16 by Rafael Bardaji
Terrorist attacks in Paris
This is a War and We Have to Win
From the Friends of Israel Initiative, we strongly condemn these savage terrorist attacks and we express our sincere condolences to the families of the victims and to the French people. We stand with you, now and forever.
2015-11-14 by Friends of Israel Initiative
Published in Israel Hayom, Tuesday June 23, 2015
A War Against the Entire West
http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=12963Democratic armies -- those of Israel and the United States in particular -- work gallantly to hold civilian deaths to a minimum. But more and more they are being handicapped in fighting the war.
2015-06-24 by Rafael Bardaji and Joseph Raskas