• Andrew Roberts Speaking at London Launch Event

    An historian’s point of view

    The State of Israel has packed more history into her 62 years on the planet than many other nations have in six hundred.

    2010-07-19 by Andrew Roberts

  • The Challenge to Israel’s Legitimacy

    A dangerous global shift is taking place in terms of Israel’s standing in the world at large which could have profoundly destabilizing implications for the Middle East.

    2010-07-14 by Dore Gold

  • Wall Street Journal

    Israel: A Normal Country

    The following statement has been signed by Jose Maria Aznar, David Trimble, John R. Bolton, Alejandro Toledo, Marcello Pera, Andrew Roberts, Fiamma Nirenstein, George Weigel, Robert F. Agostinelli and Carlos Bustelo:

    2010-07-08 by Founder Members

  • Support Israel

    If Israel Goes Down, We All Go Down

    Anger over Gaza is a distraction. We cannot forget that Israel is the West?s best ally in a turbulent region.

    2010-06-17 by José María Aznar

  • New York Post

    Letting Israel hang

    Article published by John Bolton, in the New York Post, June 7, 2010

    2010-06-07 by John Bolton